During preparation of your abstract please follow the formatting (font type, font size, line spacing, page margins etc.) in the template and do not paste any formatting from other documents.
The maximum extent of the text is 6000 characters or 4500 characters plus one figure/table. Number of characters includes spaces, title, author’s name, author’s affiliation, acknowledgement and references.
The optional figure should not exceed dimensions of 160 mm (width) x 200 mm (height), should be in shades of grey in 400 dpi resolution and in *.jpg format. The figure/table will be placed to the end of the abstract, after references.
If you decided to include a figure into your abstract, please send the figure as a separate file and do not insert it in this abstract file.
Template for download
Please note, that your abstract will not be an object of any review process and authors are fully responsible for the content.
The abstract book of the conference talks and posters will be distributed at the registration desk.
A pdf version of the abstract book will be available on our webpage after the conference.