The 10th ESSEWECA conference is also dedicated to the three Slovak geologists who significantly enriched geological knowledge in
the Western Carpathians, our colleagues, who are celebrating their anniversaries this year. On this occasion Assoc. Prof. Milan Sýkora, Assoc. Prof. Peter
Reichwalder, and Assoc. Prof. Jozef Michalík will be awarded Medals of the Comenius University, the prizes granted by the Rector of the Comenius University in Bratislava.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milan Sýkora
is an expert in carbonate sedimentology. He deals with the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of Mesozoic carbonate sedimentary sequences,
the analysis of exotic material of conglomerate bodies of Cretaceous sedimentary sequences mainly from the western section of the klippen area and also the
analysis of coeval clastic sediments of Tatric and Fatric units of the Western Carpathians. He devoted his research to clastic sedimentary rocks of the
Pieniny Klippen Belt during the last ten years, focusing on the mineralogical composition of sandstone heavy fraction, in particular the occurrence of
minerals and rocks of blue schist facies.
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His important contribution to the palaeontological research in Slovakia was finding the footprints of Mesozoic
reptiles in the Upper Triassic sedimentary rocks, on the base of which themodel of ancient dinosaurs was created and located in the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava.
Dr. Sýkora participated in the years 1988 and 1989 in geological expeditions to the Far East region of Russia – mountains Cherski and Suntar Chajim, areas of volcanic
phenomena on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the area of subduction melange on the Chukotka Peninsula. He participated in geological exploratory works
(geological mapping, lithological and microfacies analysis) - the exploration for highway tunnel of Višňové - Dubná Skala. He was the secretary
of Slovak Geological Society, which granted him by the letter of thanks for his active work in favor of the Slovak Geological Society and for his contribution
to geology in Slovakia and for its development. His research results were summarized in 56 scientific publications; one of them is a monograph. He is a co-author
of the textbook of the Physical Geology. In 2010, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Dr. Sýkora was awarded by graphic
print for teaching and scholarly activity at the Department of Geology and Paleontology, and for contributions to the development of teaching of
the General Geology, the Sedimentology of carbonate rocks and their microfacies analysis. The scientific community celebrates the jubilee of 70 years of
Dr. Milan Sýkora this year.
For the occasion of his important jubilee Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milan Sýkora will be awarded by the Rector of the Comenius University for his successful scientific and educational work in the field of carbonate sedimentology and general geology of Slovakia and thereby increase overall the scientific and educational credit of the Comenius University.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Reichwalder,
the former member and also the head of the Department of Geology and Paleontology during the period 1986-1990, celebrated the important anniversary of 75 years this year.
He devoted his scientific research to a comprehensive geological study and geological mapping of the Palaeozoic and
Mesozoic of the Spiš -Gemer Mountain and Slovak Karst area, also to structural geological analysis and synthesis of geology of the Inner Western
Carpathians. Among the first he applied the knowledge of plate tectonics in the reconstruction of geological development and palaeotectonics of the
Gemeric and the Meliatic areas.
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He worked in detail on issue of south Gemeric younger Palaeozoic and high pressure rock associations linked with
subduction-accretion processes accompanying the conclusion of the Meliata Basin. In the years of 1988-1989, he was appointed as the UN expert at
the UNDP in Ethiopia, for the purpose of postgraduate education of local geology. In 1998 he prepared and led the cycle of lectures of geology
of Central and Outer Western Carpathians for students of master and doctoral studies at the University of Warsaw. He dealt with the application of remote sensing
in the regional geological and tectonic research and the compilation of geological maps of Slovakia. He is the co -author of the first cosmotectonic maps of the
Central and Eastern Europe. Together with the Polish geologists from the University of Warsaw he participated as an expert guarantor and guide of
documentary series on the geological structure of the Carpathians in Slovakia. This successful educational project was implemented by the Polish
Television, later during the years of 1999-2000 was aired also by the Slovak Television. Besides the teaching and publishing his research results, he worked
on the text books for students, he was the author of numerous reviews and the expert's final assessments of research and survey reports and research projects
as well the expertise and assessments of geological maps and explanatory notes. His research results were summarized in 65 scientific publications, 7
monographs, 6 geological maps, 3 notes to the geological maps. He actively worked in professional organizations and committees. He was the Chairman
of the Slovak Geological Society (1981-2000), Secretary of KBGA tectonic commission (1983-1996), the member of the International Working Group
CMEA for remote geological research methods using satellites and aircraft (1981-1986). He was a member of scientific councils of many of Slovak
geological institutions, the member of the editorial boards of leading scientific and professional geological journals.
For the occasion of his important jubilee Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Reichwalder will be awarded by the Rector of the Comenius University for his successful scientific and educational work in the field of regional and structural geology of Slovakia which thereby increase overall the scientific and educational credit of the Comenius University.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jozef Michalík,
is our third jubilant and the scientific community celebrates his jubilee of 70 years this year. He is the outstanding scientist of the Institute of
Earth Sciences SAS and long-time collaborator of research team of the Department of Geology and Paleontology in Faculty of Natural Sciences. The
main fields of his interest are palaeontology of marine macro-invertebrates, carbonate facies, carbonate sequence stratigraphy, palaeoceanography
and palaeoclimates, Mesozoic biostratigraphy, facies and palaeogeography. He dealt with palaeoecological and palaeodynamic aspects of the
Rhaetian sediments and life communities including dinosaur footprints, the first in the Slovak territory at all.
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Since 1976, he started to work
in Lower Cretaceous sequences of the Western Carpathians, with a special emphasis to the Krížna and Manín Nappes. In eighties, Dr. Michalík was a
secretary of a research project oriented on the Malé Karpaty Mts structure. He represents the Slovak geology by numerous of published scientific papers,
monographs, by hundreds of oral presentations in conferences and workshops. Dr. Michalík acted as the director of the Geological Institute (1996-2002),
the chairman of the Slovak National Committee (1996-2001), and the chairman of the National IYPE Committee (2006-2010). He is the Assistant Professor
in the Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava, where he gives since
1991 the lectures of Sequence stratigraphy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoceanology and Geodynamic development of the Western Carpathians. He
is also an external teacher in the Department of Geology of the Masaryk University in Brno. He is the chairman of the Paleontological Group of the
Slovakian Geological Society, and the Scientific Editor of the Geologica Carpathica. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of several
international journals Open Paleontology Journal, Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Geological Quarterly, Mineralia Slovaca, Bulletin of Geology. In
a position of the co-leader, he organized the IGCP UNESCO Project No 362 (“Tethyan and Boreal Cretaceous). Dr. Michalík guided seven grant projects
(Nos. GA-1081, 2035, 2074, 3135, 7215, VEGA-4076, 0196), he has been the member (or national coordinator, respectively) of the IGCP UNESCO
Projects No 458, 463, 556 and 605, and he participated in several project s of cooperation with the Slovak Geological Survey. He is the
Corresponding Member of the Triassic Subcommission of the IUGS International Stratigraphic Committee and the member of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO
by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovak Republic. He is active in organizing of geological excursions and scientific events (seminars,
conferences, workshops). He deals with promotions geology in public-legal media. He supervised many of successful PhD students.
For his important research work he has been awarded by several awards: awards of Jan Slávik, Medal of Dimitri Andrusov, Gold Medal of the Geological
Institute and the Medal of academic B. Cambel.
For the occasion of his important jubilee Assoc. Prof Dr. Jozef Michalík will be awarded by the Rector of the Comenius University for his successful scientific and educational work in the field of geology of Slovakia, for the cultivation of long-term cooperation, which contributes significantly to the development and reputation of the Comenius University in Slovakia and abroad.