The 10th ESSEWECA conference is also dedicated to the three Slovak geologists who significantly enriched geological knowledge in the Western Carpathians, our colleagues, who are celebrating their anniversaries this year. On this occasion Assoc. Prof. Milan Sýkora, Assoc. Prof. Peter Reichwalder, and Assoc. Prof. Jozef Michalík will be awarded Medals of the Comenius University, the prizes granted by the Rector of the Comenius University in Bratislava.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milan Sýkora
is an expert in carbonate sedimentology. He deals with the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of Mesozoic carbonate sedimentary sequences, the analysis of exotic material of conglomerate bodies of Cretaceous sedimentary sequences mainly from the western section of the klippen area and also the analysis of coeval clastic sediments of Tatric and Fatric units of the Western Carpathians. He devoted his research to clastic sedimentary rocks of the Pieniny Klippen Belt during the last ten years, focusing on the mineralogical composition of sandstone heavy fraction, in particular the occurrence of minerals and rocks of blue schist facies.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Reichwalder,
the former member and also the head of the Department of Geology and Paleontology during the period 1986-1990, celebrated the important anniversary of 75 years this year. He devoted his scientific research to a comprehensive geological study and geological mapping of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic of the Spiš -Gemer Mountain and Slovak Karst area, also to structural geological analysis and synthesis of geology of the Inner Western Carpathians. Among the first he applied the knowledge of plate tectonics in the reconstruction of geological development and palaeotectonics of the Gemeric and the Meliatic areas.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jozef Michalík,
is our third jubilant and the scientific community celebrates his jubilee of 70 years this year. He is the outstanding scientist of the Institute of Earth Sciences SAS and long-time collaborator of research team of the Department of Geology and Paleontology in Faculty of Natural Sciences. The main fields of his interest are palaeontology of marine macro-invertebrates, carbonate facies, carbonate sequence stratigraphy, palaeoceanography and palaeoclimates, Mesozoic biostratigraphy, facies and palaeogeography. He dealt with palaeoecological and palaeodynamic aspects of the Rhaetian sediments and life communities including dinosaur footprints, the first in the Slovak territory at all.

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