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Michal Šujan (Editor), 2016: Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians (10th ESSEWECA Conference; 1th-2nd December 2016, Bratislava). Abstract Book (online version), ISBN 978-80-223-4202-5 (pdf)

Individual abstracts

Authors Tittle
Robert Anczkiewicz, Marek Cieszkowski, Mateusz Szczęch, Andrzej Ślączka and Anna Wolska Ophiolite from Osielec-Magura Nappe, Outer Carpathians, Poland – a new approach to the problem
Roman Aubrecht, Peter Bačík and Petronela Filipčíková New occurrences of bauxite-filled paleokarst in Slovak Karst area near Čoltovo: The first report
István-Róbert Bartha, Imre Magyar, László Fodor, Gábor Csillag, Lilla Tőkés and Orsolya Sztanó Late Miocene lacustrine deltaic deposits: the junction of the Danube-Kisalföld Basin and the Gerecse Hills, Hungary
Sławomir Bębenek Channel deposits of submarine fan in abandoned quarry in Wielka Puszcza, Beskid Maly Mts. (Outer Carpathians)
Katarína Bónová, Ján Spišiak, Ján Bóna and Martin Kováčik Detrital chromian spinels from the Magura Unit (Western Carpathians, Eastern Slovakia): provenance implications
Pavel Bosák, Petr Pruner and Pavel Bella Epiphreatic development phases in the Ochtinská Aragonite Cave: Revision high-resolution magnetostratigraphy of cave sediments
Ágnes Cserkész-Nagy and Orsolya Sztanó Quaternary climate reconstruction in the middle Tisza region based on VHR seismic images
Tamás Csibri, Alexander Lačný, René Putiška, Ivan Dostál and David Kušnirák Geological and geophysical investigation of Havranická jaskyňa cave in Malé Karpaty Mts., Slovakia
László Fodor, Gábor Héja, Bogmir Jelen, Szilvia Kövér, Balázs Koroknai, András Németh, Helena Rifelj, Mirka Trajanova, Marko Vrabec and Mirjam Vrabec Structural evolution of the East Alpine-Pannonian junction area: from nappe stacking to extension
László Fodor, Orsolya Sztanó, Imre Magyar, Balázs Törő, András Uhrin, Attila Várkonyi, Gábor Csillag, Szilvia Kövér and Zoltán Lantos Tectonic control on sedimentation pattern in the late Miocene of the western Pannonian basin, Hungary
Ľudovít Gaál and Pavel Bella Geological research of caves in Slovakia – a review
Jan Golonka, Kaja Pietsch, Paveł Marzec. Monika Kasperska, Kamil Cichstępski, Jerzy Dec, Stanisław Lasocki, Janusz Mirek and Beata Orlecka-Sikora Central Carpathians–North European plates suture zone in Poland
Markéta Houdková and Radovan Pipík Changes in oxic regime in the Turonian of the Úpohlavy section (Czech Cretaceous Basin)
Agata Kaczmarek, Hartmut Jäger, Marta Oszczypko-Clowes and Nestor Oszczypko Sedimentary environment and development based on palynofacies and fluorescence analysis in samples from the Uhryński river section(Bystrica zone, Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians)
Maciej Kania Image classification with unconventionally applied GIS methods in the fault related rocks from the Western Tatra Mts. grain size distribution: preliminary results
Peter Kiss, Zuzana Heřmanová and Natália Hudáčková Morphological change during the ontogeny of Orbulina suturalis from the Danube Basin
Tomáš Klučiar, Michal Kováč, Rastislav Vojtko, Samuel Rybár, Michal Šujan and Silvia Králiková The Hurbanovo–Diösjenő Fault: boundary between the Central Western Carpathians and Northern Pannonian Domain
Michal Kováč, Emő Márton, Ján Soták, Rastislav Vojtko, Jozef Hók, Tomáš Klučiar, Nestor Oszczypko, Natália Hudáčková, Marta Oszczypko-Clowes, Samuel Rybár, Michal Šujan and Silvia Králiková The Miocene basin opening related to CCW rotations measured in the crustal wedge of ALCAPA domain
Erika Kovács, Imre Magyar, Orsolya Sztanó and Radovan Pipík Late Miocene–Pannonian ostracods from the southwestern Transylvanian Basin (Romania)
Silvia Králiková, Rastislav Vojtko, Jozef Hók, Bernhard Fügenschuh and Michal Kováč Alpine low-thermal evolution of the Western Carpathian basement rock complexes: inferred from zircon and apatite fission track data
Michał Krobicki, Anna Feldman-Olszewska, Jolanta Iwańczuk, Oleh Hnylko, Andrea di Capua, and Jan Malec Volcano-sedimentary sequences in the Carpathian orogenic system (Ukrainian/Romanian transborder zone) versus volcanogenic depositsin Alpine (Italy) and Caledonian orogens (Poland): similarities and differences
Alexander Lačný, Štefan Méres, Dušan Plašienka, Rastislav Vojtko and Milan Sýkora Occurrence of brecciated crystalline carbonate in association with deep-marine metamorphosed sediments of the Turnaic Unit
Iskra Lakova, Silviya Petrova and Daniela Reháková High-diversity chitinoidellid associations from the West Balkan (Bulgaria) correlated with their record in the Western Carpathians
Otília Lintnerová, Jozef Michalík, Tetsuji Onoue, Rastislav Milovský and Ján Soták Carbon isotope record on the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
Imre Magyar, Orsolya Sztanó, Gábor Csillag, Zsolt Kercsmár, Lajos Katona, Zoltán Lantos, István-Róbert Bartha, Soma Budai and László Fodor Pannonian molluscs and their localities in the Gerecse Hills, Transdanubian Range
Eżbieta Machaniec, Vlasta Ćosović, Renata Jach and Ewa Malata Ditrupa-Nummulites transitional facies in the Eocene shallow-water carbonates of the Tatra Mountains(Poland) as an indicator of episodic mesophotication
František Marko Neo-Alpine evolution of the Inner Western Carpathians controlled by strike-slip faulting and block rotations
Emő Márton and Antek K. Tokarski Time relation of the internal deformations and the large scale rotations of the Magura and Silesian rootless nappes during the Cenozoic as manifested in the paleomagnetic declinations and in the magnetic fabrics
Štefan Méres, Milan Sýkora and Roman Aubrecht Parental rocks of Carpathian keuper sandstone clastics as inferred from heavy mineral spectra and monazite dating (Malá Fatra Mts., Slovakia)
Jozef Michalík How our planet fate is governed by "stars" - geological record of cosmic impacts on terrestrial processes
Paweł Mikuś and Alfred Uchman Diversity of animal trace assemblages in recent lowland river sediments (Dunajec River, SE Poland)
Marta Oszczypko-Clowes and Nestor Oszczypko The Early Miocene residual Magura flysch basin at the front of the Central Carpathians and its paleogeographic implications (Magura Nappe, Poland)
Marta Oszczypko-Clowes, Patrycja Wójcik-Tabol and Nestor Oszczypko New views on the genesis of the carbon dioxide in the Polish Outer Carpathians
Daniel Pivko, Natália Hudáčková, Juraj Hrabovský, Imrich Sládek and Adrej Ruman Paleoecology and sedimentology of the Miocene marine and terrestrial sediments on the Devínska Kobyla hill and Hainburg hills (Vienna Basin)
Dušan Plašienka, Štefan Józsa, Przemysław Gedl and Ján Soták Structure of the eastern part of the Varín sector of the Pieniny Klippen Belt – unravelling the puzzle
Zuzana Pulišová, Ján Soták and Viera Šimonová New structural and stratigraphic data from the Súľov conglomerates (Middle Váh Valley, Slovakia)
Marián Putiš and Čestmír Tomek Metamorphosed sources of the Late Cretaceous flysch in the Infratatric Albian-Eocene accretionary wedge: impact on large-scale tectonics
Marián Putiš, Peter Ružička, Viera Kollárová and Patrik Konečný Monazite chemical dating of acidic and intermediate volcanic rocks from the Permian sedimentary cover and dykes of the Infratatric Inovec Nappe in the Western Carpathians
Daniela Reháková, Jozef Michalík, Iskra Lakova, Silviya Petrova Calpionellid tests malformations recorded in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates of the Western Carpathians and Western Balcan - a tool for paleoenvironmental interpretation
Samuel Rybár, Júlia Kotulová, Katarína Šarinová, Tamás Csibri, Michal Kováč, Michal Šujan, Eva Halásová, Andrej Ruman and Natália Hudáčková Alternation of Miocene facies and sediment entry points in the Blatné depression of the Danube Basin
Dorota Salata and Alfred Uchman Heavy mineral assemblages and garnet chemical composition as tools in discerning deep-sea Cretaceous-Miocene formations of the Skole Nappe (Polish Flysch Carpathians)
Barbora Šimonová and Miroslav Bielik Determination and analysis of rock densities in the Carpathian-Pannonian lithosphere: based on the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment
Viera Šimonová Paleostress evolution of the Manín Unit in western Slovakia: reconstruction based on kinematic analysis of multiple fault structures
Ján Soták Foraminiferal event-stratigraphy and paleoenvironments across the K/T boundary sections in the Western Carpathians
Ján Soták, Marek Vďačný and Silvia Ozdínová Source rock geochemistry and sedimentary environments of the Oligocene mud-rich deposits of the Huty Formation (Prešov JT-10 borehole, Eastern Slovakia)
Krzysztof Starzec, Wojciech Schnabel, Anna Waśkowska, Jan Golonka, Grzegorz Machowski and Michał Stefaniuk Mélange deposits in the Skrzydlna and Wiśniowa tectonic Windows (Outer Carpathians) – preliminary results
Michal Šujan, Michal Kováč, Samuel Rybár and Andrea Schittenhelm Late Miocene
to Quaternary evolution of the alluvial landscape in the northern Danube Basin:
interplay of sediment supply and forming of accommodation space
Lilian Švábenická and Andrea Svobodová Nannofossil record across the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval, Kurovice Quarry, Carpathian Flysch Belt: state of the art
Mateusz Szczęch, Marek Cieszkowski and Jan Loch Structure of the Pleistocene dammed lakes in the Kamienica River Valley in Gorce Mts. Magura Nappe, Outer Carpathians Poland: key study
Orsolya Sztanó, Michal Kováč, Imre Magyar, Michal Šujan, László Fodor, András Uhrin, Lilla Tőkés, Samuel Rybár and Gábor Csillag Correlation of Late Miocene –Pliocene lacustrine to fluvial lithostratigraphic units of the Danube – Kisalföld Basin (Slovakia, Hungary)
Orsolya Sztanó, Michal Šujan and Lilla Tőkés What's common in Želiezovce Depression, Slovakia and Makó Trough, Hungary?
Lilla Tőkés, István-Róbert Bartha, Lóránd Silye, Csaba Krészek and Orsolya Sztanó Deep-water conduits of the Lake Pannon, southern Transylvanian Basin, Romania
Zdeněk Vašíček, Daniela Reháková and Petr Skupien Microfossils accompanying some Perisphinctoid Ammonites from the Štramberk Limestone (Tithonian to Early Berriasian from the Silesian Unit, Czech Republic)
Rastislav Vojtko, Silvia Králiková, Petr Jeřábek, Ralf Schuster, Martin Danišík, Bernhard Fügenschuh, Jozef Minár and Ján Madarás Tectono-thermal evolution of the Veporic Unit in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia): evidence from geochronological data
Adriena Zlinská Kiscellian sediments in deep oil wells of the Danube Basin